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Link Collection: Directories

Link Wrangler: Ryan ()

KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid. Some of the best indexes of diary sites are the most basic. No scripts, no snazzy frames and layouts... nothing but links.

  • The Diary Registry
    The original directory. Browse by name, title, location, and more. Still growing, but needs pruning.
  • Globe of Blogs
    Lists weblogs in several different ways: title, location, author, birthday, gender, age, and topic. Well maintained.
  • Blogarama
    Yet another directory of weblogs (blogs) and journal sites.
  • Blogwise
    A collection of categorised blogs from around the world. List by country or keyword.
  • The Pepys Project
    An index of blogs, journals and diaries sorted by location. Upgrade pending.
  • Open Directory Project
    A unique community directory, edited by people, not machines.
  • Yahoo!
    One of the most common starting points, but not current.