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The online diary phenomenon has grown along with the web itself, exploding from about a dozen sites in 1995 to over 2,000 today. Navigating this expansive, diverse community is no easy task, but Diarist.Net is here to help you do just that.

In Launch, Damiana highlights some of the talented newcomers to the world of the web journal. Corvin illustrates how we're a lot alike in OnCommon. In EnterView, Mike and Carole get inside the minds of not-so-average diarists. And different escribitionists highlight favorite outpourings of others in ReEntry.

Want to dive in? Then browse our many Link Collections. Get comfortable... there are hundreds of sites to see.

"The poetry and writing are infused with the type of spirituality and trippiness Boulder is known for..."
"And, anyone who lets their dog sleep in their bed is alright with me."
"Writing requires a confident and even keel sort of personality. You can't be tossed away by every single comment that's made about your work."
"This is a journal that proves the common misconception that all hair dressers are named Mary Lou and are dumb."

Newest Links

Updated 13 October 1999
Updated 13 October 1999
Updated 24 September 1999
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