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[ Launch ]
Launch: Submit

The new kids on the block.
By Ryan ()

If you feel your journal should be featured in Launch, submit the form below. A valid e-mail address and URL is required, and while the remaining fields are optional, we'll be able to provide a better review with more information.

There are a few requirements though. Your journal must not be older than six months, but should have more than 24 archived entries. We also tend to give preference to original designs (versus sites using default diary service or freeware/shareware templates). More subjectively, we expect that your writings be more than just a rehashing of your day, mixing in observation and reflection. As the "next generation" of escribitionists, show us the best you have.

Launch me!

Your Name:

Your E-Mail Address:

Your Journal Title:

Your Journal URL:

Date of First Entry:

Number of Entries (Estimate):

Your Age:

Your Sex:
Male     Female
Your Location:

Your One-Sentence Bio: