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In 1999, a chatroom for journalers was created. It is known as #journals. Journalers finally had a place where they could laugh. They could cry. They could rejoice with immediate results. Friendships were born. Advice was given. Projects were collaborated. They didn't have to wait for a response from their journal. hey didn't have to wait for a response from Diary-L. They finally got the responses they needed.

This week's OnCommon talks about a few of the regular Chatterboxes that visit the channel. The men, the women, the teenagers, from different countries and nationalities. Listed is also their known "nickname."


Chaos Node

With me, it is not like that. I typically plan ahead about 1-2 days. Meaning that yes, I do buy a bit more groceries on Saturday. But if you ask me what I am going to do on next Monday, the answer is likely a shrug and "The same as every night: Try to take over the world."

Magnus Itland refers himself as the Human Library. Throughout his journal you can tell that he is a well read individual, due to the fact that he has no girlfriend, no car, and no TV. The great thing is he prefers it that way and in return gives journal reader's around the world a look into his life.

Magnus shows throughout his journal his humor, his intelligence, and a natural charisma that makes people want to come back for more. He can surprise you with Microsoft Comic Chat shots of various journalers, or various pictures of himself or life in general. Chaos Node is a journal that is a good read with a touch of Europe.

Girl In a Box

I guess it is because I see them as children. They are simple in a lot of ways like children, they smile when you smile at them, they are grateful for the small things. Most adults are not grateful, most adults don't realize what they have. People don't appreciate the small things anymore. Like eating a cookie that has extra icing on it or the magic of a first snow fall. The small things are simply not big enough. The big things are simply not big enough. Our society has totally lost sense of what is important; human spirit, the senses, friendship, love and just being affected. What will become of a society that is only propelled by their own wants? By their own needs?

This is a journal that proves the common misconception that all hair dressers are named Mary Lou and are dumb. Girl knows how to take her life and put it on paper in a pure, clear way. The stories in her life can vary from relationships to the reason society sucks as a whole. She can put a emotional spin in any direction on any topic. This is the perfect example a journal that has a bit of everything; emotion, humor, heartache, and enough intellectualization to make you sit and focus, and wonder what life is really all about.

Coredumps from my Brain

Tonight after band practice, I went out to the Vogue to meet Javina. It was fetish night. At the door, the cashier asked me to step back so she could appraise my outfit for fetish quotient. The more fetishy the outfit, the greater the discount off the door fee. I paid full price. So what if my fetish happened to be micro-fiber shirts?

Cryptic is the first word that comes to mind when reading Coredumps from my Brain. The Journal has been updated semi-daily ever since 1996. While he has many short entries, they aren't the type to leave you thinking "That was short," they make you leave thinking, "Why?"

Between the cryptic entries in Coredumps, Andrew uses his graceful wit and charm to lure you into fits of laughter. A mixture of graphics and well written entries makes Coredumps a perfect addition to anyone's daily reading list.