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The similarity starts here.
By Cage ()

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Hello, and welcome to the second edition of Oncommon. In this installment, we'll be profiling astrological signs, with a focus on some fine Libra diarists.

When I first conceived of using 'Libra' for our profile, I was curious to see if the personality of the so-called Libran tied these authors together in some definable and psychologically common way. Remember, for those of you who are not Libra's, "Libra's are mediators, practical and full of common sense." So, are these writers alike? Feel free to check them out and decide for yourself.

Next Installment: Atheists in Online Journaling If you are an online journaler and an atheist as well, please submit your site URL and email above!



Treacle Well

Insomnia, kava kava, cats, and love. All in Texas. Hard to believe at first, but yes -- it's all right here! This is one of those day-by-day journals, where the author shares the events of their everyday happenstance with the audience. However, there are also liberal political blurbs and social commentary mixed in. Erin also does a fine job introducing herself to the reader, and you get a fine sense of who she is and what she's like, even before you start reading the journal. In addition, here's a short email interview that I conducted with Erin about the Treacle Well.


The definition of treacle is 'a cloying sweetness.' How does this relate to you personally, to your journal?

The name came mainly because I love Lewis Carroll and the "alice" stories. The excerpt I've quoted on my page is one of my favourite passages from "Alice in Wonderland." I felt like it was unique enough to stand on its own. I know that sometimes my optimistic outlook on life can be annoying (and cloying) to the pessimists and cynics of the world, but oh well. I guess in a way it was me thumbing my nose and saying, "98% of the time, I'm happy. Deal with it."

Libra's are generally known as mediators, as those who are in balance, and balance the rest of us. Do you see that in yourself? In your writing?

I actually do see this a lot in myself. My friends and I joked that I have to be the most balanced person I know ... born on the 22 (numerologically, it's supposed to be incredibly balanced), in Libra, my last name begins with the 22nd letter ... yeah, we had too much free time one day. I tend to strive for balance in every area of life. I don't like things to be biased one way or the other. I prefer moderate reactions to extreme emotions. I've also seen myself be the balance for other people in relationships. It can be exhausting, though, to try that -- you get so caught up in making sure that everything's okay that you forget about yourself.

In my writing, I'm not so sure. I have no intentions of ever becoming an official "author," so I don't concentrate so much on developing my writing skills, my voice, etc. I just write what I think, so it probably does have an unconscious effect.

In your most successful relationships, what sign has your partner been? What sign do your best friends tend to be? Librans are supposed to share a special rapport with Leo's, Gemini's and Aquarians.

My last two boyfriends were Aquarians. My best friend is an Aquarius. Her boyfriend (also named Aaron) is a Leo, and we get along famously. My best friend throughout high school is a Gemini. Yeah, there might be something to it.

How does the place that you live in reflect the tone and/or substance of your writing?

Well, coming from the Southern United States, I probably reflect a lot of the typical Southern qualities. Laid back, don't care too much about what everyone else thinks. I've lived in Texas for six years, but before that I lived in several other southern states. You just grow up a little different from others. Sometimes what I write will be in reaction against where I live. I honestly haven't paid that much attention to this.

What do you like most about your journal?

I get an opportunity to express myself without fearing the reactions of other people. (Well, for the most part.) I'm getting used to being completely honest with myself. I also don't like talking about emotions and feelings so much IRL, so this journal is a way to put in a little distance and still deal with whatever it is that I need to deal with.

Have you ever had any problems, e.g., stalkers, people reading your journal that you didn't want there, etc.?

I've never really had stalkers, but I have had a few friends stumble across the site and I would have preferred they never found it. I actually had a co-worker find my site while clearing out old files of mine on our company network. That pissed me off. Seeing the repeated domains of friends on my web-tracker (particularly this week when those friends are checking my journal to see if they can get an inside line on my emotional/mental state toward them) is really annoying me to the point of wondering whether or not I should move.

Techno-Shamanistic Rants

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened."

Douglas Adams
'Life, the Universe and Everything'

Chaos vs. Order, Immortal Eggs in a Biodegradable Basket, and Tao of Earth, all in one package! I must admit that I have been having a fun time with this journal. I find it highly readable and thought provoking. There are some fine essays on the condition and psyche of mankind, and about life in general. You can also dig deep into the archives, which stretch back to December 1996, as far as I can tell. You can also find out about Tao, who works at the Saratoga Grill in Hillsborough, NC; his wife Michelle; and his cat. Please read!


One of the themes present within your page is that man's awareness possesses the ability to change the actuality of the physical universe. Do you believe this? How does it tie into your daily writings?

Wow, start off with a deep one... better pull out the 'ole peace pipe for this one... I do personally believe in manifestation of one's dreams or thoughts...It happens all the time and people pass it off as coincidence. If you start off having a bad day, isn't it amazing that almost everything around you suddenly starts acting against your behalf whether it's your mood, or your health, or whatever, suddenly, things are conspiring against you? I do believe that our thoughts effect the universe, no matter how subtle, and even if it's only the tiniest bit of space around our being, the 'butterfly effect' can take that, and make it into something truly amazing. It's so easy to get swept up in the moment and with the thoughts and ideas of the 'now,' but in doing so, you tend to stop paying attention to the things you already know and take for granted.

Do you think that Libra, with its reputation for being the moderator, has any sway or hold on your writings? Is it reflected in your personality? Do you find this theme in your writings?

I do believe that it reflects on my personality and my writing, I mean how could it not? In the Chinese astrology, I was born under the sign of the 'Dog', and that too reminds me a lot of 'Libra.' It seems that for this particular planet, the other planets and stars just happened to line up a particular way, and it just so happened that some people decided to call it 'Libra' and some 'Dog.' After reading many descriptions of the general aspects of both these astrological signs, I do believe they honestly describe me. Coincidence? As far as my writings, I have a strong sense of justice and have written several entries about it (one in particular was when there was an older man outside a bank who kind of collapsed against the wall, and before I got to him, I saw several people walk right by him without saying a word...I wanted to run in there [the bank] and scream at every one of them!), but since it is a part of me, I can't help but have it embedded in the core of my writings.

Do you believe in astrology at all?

I want to say that I do believe in astrology... I mean, if you grow up believing in something, you read it, you hear about it, etc..eventually you come to accept it as truth without question. but, it has recently come to my attention that our presently accepted 12 month cycle calendar is so off from when it first was conceived that every astrological sign is one month off. Don't think it's screwed up? Well why then do we have to correct one hour twice a year, and add a whole 24 hours every 4 years! But, the crapper of all this is I can't remember if it's one month behind or ahead...

Note: The lunar calendar, which reflects the movements of nature and the seasons as well, is a '13 month' calendar.

As My World Turns

Upon reading Amber's page, I began to think one thing immediately -- this is one dynamic person! I myself have lived in three states, and have traveled to different countries. Amber, however, puts me to shame. Amber's journal entries date back to October of 1996, and are arranged into 'episodes.' Amber's journal entries are very human and touching, as well as very revealing. They run the proverbial gamut, from sexuality and body art to 'working with idiots.' I was intrigued, and found plenty here to read. There is also some poetry here, and an invitation to join a very unique webring -- if you dig hard enough to find it.

Updated: 23 July 1998 © 1998 Diarist.Net Contact: