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This week's ReEntry editor is fifteen and just shy of six feet tall. Your average southern teenager, with no strings attached. Meet...


Laughter, Stories, 25 Years, Prefrences

"An unnecessary amount of that 25 years is based on physicality. When you're a kid, school is all about fitting in based on looks. If you look one way, you might be immensely popular; if not, you're a geek. Very clear-cut cliques. You're subjected to this strange sorting of people that really has no consequence other than to mess with your head."

Paul is the kind of person who can look at the past and not dwell on one "feeling" or "emotion." The writings of Heute can be very generalized, but yet very interpersonal at the same time. The way he writes reflects on the past in a "neither high nor low" manner. Allowing the reader to form his/her own opinion based on their personal experiences. The writing can be seen as "Complicated" on the outside, but the real truth lies beneath the surface where one must dig to find the meaning.

Paul's writing makes me think often about how or why or "I would have done the same thing" or "Well maybe next time" etc.... The writing is often a reflection or an analysis, something I do too often. In the uncertainty that comes with picking something apart, Paul takes it all in stride to put together an interesting, well written piece of work.

Is Anybody Out There
Somewhere In Time an Online Journal

"At the point I saw the movie, my wall wasn't so defined, even tho it seemed that way to me. I had a gate around me. It's confining and can keep people out, but you can see past a gate, even reach through it and touch the things outside of it."

I can relate to many of the things said in Razorback's writings (the above passage especially). His words shed light on my own trials and tribulations. The fact that the new entries are in Real Audio gives his ideas a more 3-D perspective. With the enhancement of voice, his writing can reach a new level.

I try to pick (and read) journals in which I can really feel the writing. Usually that needs some intersection in common dilemmas and experiences. Razorback's writings go down many possible avenues with one experience or idea. Which allows for a lot of fresh content. That's something you won't find in your everyday journal. Being able to hypothesize, stay realistic, and to balance many other factors is what makes Razorback's writings so compelling yet "practical."

Ashley's Life

"It's almost paradoxical when you think someone is so happy, but begin to read a little bit more in depth to their life. Me for instance, I try to be such a happy-looking person who seems like nothing can bring be down, but every so often I just break and let things get to me."

Ashley is a rebel girl with a pretty face. So she appeals to everyone... even me. Her writings tend to focus on relationships often, but still the content is rounded with elements of the rest of her life. Ashley's life is filled with hills, which make the writing very very interesting, as her situation can totally change every day. Sometimes , well, it does just that. Ashley's writing can easily dwell on one bad thing, and make a mountain out of a mole hill, or ignore a very important detail. Then again she's not a detective, she's a journaler. Through the warping of the details of her experiences, she shows what parts of herself stay active and focused, and those which do not.

In detailed examination Ashley is on a quest (like all teenagers) to find out about themselves, be able to have "experience" and finally try to make these years the most fun of her life. Being a teenager myself, some of the points and arguments made seem a little more normal to me. This journal would easily shock most parents. But then again, most teens do so much under their parents' noses... Well, let's not go there. Overall Ashley has an interesting game of chess going, and I'm just glad she decided to let us be there.