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[ ReEntry ] ReEntry
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[ Guest Editor ] This week's guest editor spends most of her days mothering a neurotic dog and playing on the computer. As the sole proprietor of a small business she believes in management and utilizes her husband's talents to bring in revenues with a bit of web site design personally contributed. Her personal web sites have taken on a life of their own and are thought to be procreating pages without adult supervision these days.

Words & Thoughts


A moment or "slice of life" can captivate and draw me to read journals to the exclusion of television and sometimes-even books. I'm intrigued by what stops us and catches our thoughts, compelling us to write and upload. And I guess I find quality in an author's ability to share his or her unique perspective in such a way that for a minute I'm there too.

Giggling wiggling kiddies

"The subway is awash with giggling wiggling kiddies. Adults are so still, so motionless in comparison. Some of them, quite literally, are asleep, whereas the kiddies are constantly moving. They fill the subway like some sort of vapor, particles spreading throughout and vibrating in random Brownian motion."

Observations are Tracing's strongpoint. This entry is descriptive of a small moment, yet manages to illustrate Tracing's ability to see what is not always seen as we hurry through our days.

I enjoyed being transported, as I read, back to elementary school and experiencing the excitement of fieldtrips once again. I was there as a child anticipating, an adult observing, and the teacher directing.

Tracing can often take me from the journal to the moment, and for that I keep coming back.

not grueling
Dear Jackie Robinson

"It was a few days before my 24th birthday, sometime in the middle of July. I took the bar exam just exactly five years ago this week. So there was a week and a half there, a week and a half to get used to the idea that he had been playing golf that day. And two months of drifting before that."

The strength of this entry is found in the story of one compelling individual, Lizzie of DJR. Lizzie's reflections on her days and, as in this instance, an occasional peek into her past create moments that bring us close to her. Through her entries I find a clear picture painted of who she is and what's inside of her; what motivates her.

Lizzie's ability to reveal herself through both large and small incidents renders her journal very personally to the reader and has, at times, created some discomfort for Lizzie with those who relate a little too well. Or, not so well.

This talent, her openness and ability to describe different experiences with impact makes her a favorite read..

(under) the pink

"I just emerged from a hot shower, where I gave my hair an extra long conditioning and scrubbed my body with sun-ripened raspberry body wash. I wrapped my head in a big fluffy white towel and put on my white robe for a few seconds, then ran completely naked around the room, dodging the fan which I turned on high just for fun."

Tess can always find my emotions and bring me straight into her experience, whether pleasant as the above description or unpleasant. And although I chose this quote to display Tess' ability it wasn't my first choice. The entry is full of Tess and you'll just have to read on to find the true nuggets of gold, because it gets even better.

Tess is one read that never disappoints.

Original "ReEntry" concept by Gus () and other DIARY-L participants.

Updated: 2 August 1998 © 1998 Diarist.Net Contact: