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[ ReEntry ] ReEntry
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[ Guest Editor ] This week's ReEntry editor is...

Elizabeth Badurina


bzz bzz (coffee buzzed)
trying not to BLINK

"But, it got me thinking...what if Bigfoot IS real? What if Elvis IS still alive? What if that Richard Gere gerbil story IS TRUE? It is all very mind-boggling."

Teresa has a way of taking the mundane and making it humorous, as well as mixing the serious with the absurd...in the same entry. And this entry is one of the best examples.

Sawed Off Shotguns and Hoo-Hoo Dillys
Squirrel Bait

"...ten of us piled into Bram's truck and proceeded to do donuts around the hay bales at 70mh .... This is the low-rent version of the Roller-Coaster."

I'd never read Meghan until I found this entry. I mailed the URL to everyone I knew, getting an even mix of responses. Half were, "Like, duh, we knew about her," and the other half were vivid descriptions of having to clean soda off the monitor where it'd spewed out of a laughing nose. Well-said.

Close the Bathroom Door
Silently Screaming

"But here I am. I don't need to pick up strange guys in bars to find dates. I always wanted to be popular. I wanted people to think I was attractive. I wanted people to listen when I talk."

Alla's journal has been kept near-religiously for over 18 months now (or near it). She is always intensely personal and intensely real. With this entry, she opens the crack a bit farther into her personal life, and are allowed to be the ones who listen while she talks. It's an honor.

Torin's Journal

"Tonight I had a call from "skid mark dude" [...] he had a fetish about worn panties, especially with skid marks. Now I've pretty much heard it all."

Torin is an anonymous journaller, graphic designer, wife, and by trade -- a phone sex operator. Her stories of the phone are sometimes disturbing, sometimes hilarious, and don't miss the picture of the World's Largest Thermometer or her C&W song, "Me and My Butt Tumor", either.

Geriatric Kazoo Band

"...I would have loved to have been in safe distance watching the gum-chewing air-headded little teenies working back there [...] as the Big Red Wagon of Geriatric Doom came speeding at them..."

Every few days, Darwin writes something about the stupidity happening all around him (and the rest of us, for that matter). As a fellow Oregonian, it was a toss-up between this entry and the Eugene kid who protested on the wrong tree. Age before beauty, I suppose.

Original "ReEntry" concept by Gus () and other DIARY-L participants.

Updated: 14 August 1998 © 1998 Diarist.Net Contact: