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[ Guest Editor ] This week's ReEntry editor lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and spends far too much time in front of the computer instead outside where she should be. Be that as it may, this musician- cum -webauthor does manage to drag herself away occasionally to walk her dog, read a bit of scifi, sing in a chorus, or play pinochle (badly) with her gang of friends. She's...


beautiful words


One of the aspects I most appreciate from the journals I read on a regular basis are the beautiful words found within. Thoughts so elegantly presented that they trickle back to me throughout my days. Or simply worded so well that I couldn't leave them out of this article.

Searching these out were more difficult than I imagined; I spent quite a long time browsing through journals in various webrings. I found many with links to their pages of poetry, but few in which the journal entries themselves were poetic. I'd like to see more journals with beautiful words, overall.

Here, for your enjoyment, are some of my favorite journaler's words. I won't make any commentaries on them simply because they speak for themselves.

This 'n That
Journal of a Writing Man by John Bailey

"Happiness isn't in the big things. It's in a steady trickle of small delights. But you need to be looking at the precise moment, just as a chance breeze parts the leaves, if you're going to see it.

The worm turns
Scoop, Kash

"Pelicans skim the cool sea for fish. Big boned creatures. Their wings make strong arches of energy, holding them buoyant. The ancient shape of them transfixes my eye. The colour of their necks match the colour of the sunset soft pink skies."

August 9
Too Much of Me, Womanheart

"I can't settle for mediocrity. Even though I sit at this machine and type, or watch geese raise their young, or make grilled cheese sandwiches for my daughter, I am still always striving. Somehow, no mediocrity is possible when my soul is moving at such speed."

Surf the Planet, Patrick Jennings

"Eyes cast in, seeing and not seeing the embers glitter-glow in waves, the yellow golden guttering flames jump and flitter. Where do we go? Into the fire, into thought, into self. Fire, our companion, our guide."

Exist, Isaac

"It's strange, really, how similar the mental states of jaded indifference and enlightened calm are."

Suspended in Light
Owl's Eye View, Owl

"The thoughts come and go like a string of pearls sliding on the thread, arriving, pausing and moving on with the rhythm of my breathing."

August 21, 1998
Armchair Peregrinations, Camas

"The porch is like an additional room, but one that faces the street and is open and inviting for friends and neighbors who once sat on stoops, or rocked in swings and chairs under a ceiling fan and talked way into the night, listening to leaves rustling occasionally and watching the fireflies flicker on and off in the darkness."

Writer's block or lack thereof
Snoozebar Chronicles, Snoozebar

"I specialize in righteous indignation--it's right up there with eye-rolling condescension in the pantheon of my character defects."

Medea's Memoirs, Scott Liles

"My lids fall like a final curtain and I remember how the senses are lost when we sleep in the same order as when we die. Next is hearing? After sight, who cares? As I fall, I realize there are so many things happening at this instant. So many lives made and broken only to be remade once again. Even offline I still feel connected somehow to all the love and the pain of people I have never met. Lives that could have been mine with a single chromosome change or single event change in my life. Does anyone have to be alone?"

August 24, 1998
Guest Journal Entry, Gene Breshears

"We are, all of us, like the water flowing from the mountain top to the sea. We pass through different rivers and streams. Some of us linger in the pebble-bottomed pond, others run through the millwheel, and others rush through the rapids... but we're all still of the same water, born in the same sky and flowing to the same sea."

Creatures of the Air
The Upside Down Journal, Neil Gerster (GentleRiser)

"It might have been a periscope view to a spirit world. You could watch insubstantial, almost not-there shapes form, fade like steam, shift their extremities, dancing, disintegrating, reforming, dropping by and moving on."

I encourage you all to look for your own beautiful words, in both yours and others' journals.

Original "ReEntry" concept by Gus () and other DIARY-L participants.

Updated: 24 August 1998 © 1998 Diarist.Net Contact: