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[ Tao of Earth ] This week's ReEntry editor is...

Tao of Earth
Techno Shamanistic Rants


One thing I hate about today's news is the fact that they're always trying to condense the greatest of stories into these tiny 'snippets' and 'soundbytes' which they think John Q. Public can understand with their ADS.

And now, here I am, attempting to find tiny bits of wisdom and 'snippets' from these journals that I enjoy, and I can't help feeling that all of this is making me come across like I'm doing the very same thing: Cutting and splicing the flowing thoughts of consciousness that each author is attempting to convey to the rest of the world.

All I can say is, at the very least, every one of these 'word artists' paint such vivid mental pictures, that even these 'snippets' seem to have a life of their own...Sometimes bizarre and funny, other times deep and philosophical, the one thing that all these entries have in common is that they've all kept me coming back for more!

Time Flies

"You realize that all the lusts and loves inside you were simply figments of your imagination, created by your own mind to keep yourself occupied during your free time, to keep your chemicals balanced."

Isaac takes us on a journey into ourselves, where most don't like to look, and makes you realize certain things about yourself. Sometimes poetic, but always deep, his entries offer an interesting perspective on the universe that we share.

Mutant Sludge From Planet Petrie

"Testicles the Phallusifer once said: 'Procrastination is like a demon. It's always hovering over you, and it's easy to ignore a task that needs to be done, but eventually you either face it and beat it, or it breaks out of the tupperware and strangles you with cthulhu-like tendrils that have giant suction-cups with razor-like incisors that dig into your flesh and suck the life out of you until you are nothing but a dry carcass that worries a whole lot.'"

We've all been guilty of leaving something unchecked just a bit too long in the back of the fridge, but the the experience that Darwin (great name by the way) has with his own personal refrigerator demons... well, let's just say that few have lived through the experience to tell such tails.

Though not many of us get to live in Darwin's universe of chaos, we all know the morons in them that take up OUR breathing air... both of which (his universe and our morons) are well documented in his journal. On my first visit to Darwin's journal, I ended up reading every single entry! Which is something I've never done before.


"In my moments of weakness, I have a tendency to think that what I am is, by and large, defined by a very long and complicated set of memories. Those memories, in turn, are the retelling of past events as seen through the filter of my experience - a filter which, in and of itself, is shaped and colored by a set of other memories, older and newer alike, of yet bigger stories, of moments."

Maggy's journal is probably the only 'normal' journal that I'm reading. When I say 'normal', I'm referring to the ones that stick mainly to 'reality', you know, the day to day affairs of a person. Until Maggy's, I had always found that particular type of journal a little boring, but Maggy's got this great writing style that meanders wonderfully from her daily situations to the past memories and fond thoughts which now effect her in the present.

Huh? No, really...huh?
When in Doubt, Use Parsley

"As it neared the time for class to end and students began packing up their things, I overheard the following exchange as I cruised by:

Aaron: Just put the poster in your locker.
Evan: No way, man...you put it in yours.
Aaron: I can't!
Evan: Why not?
Aaron: It's full of boots."

Conversations like that just make you have to wonder! Amy is a high school teacher who (to my never ending amusement) lovingly refers to her students as 'chickens'. I remember what high school was like 10 years ago (damn, has it been that long?!), and I can only imagine what it's like today...Well, Amy paints a pretty good picture. Though she only updates her site every few weeks, this is one of those journals which proves that how much is said isn't as important as what is said.

Original "ReEntry" concept by Gus () and other DIARY-L participants.

Updated: 9 September 1998 © 1998 Diarist.Net Contact: