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[ Molly Zero ] This week's ReEntry editor is "on a wild ride" but still takes time to smell the jasmine. Meet...

Molly Zero


The three journals profiled here are journals written by feisty, independent, strong women, who write with clarity, love with intensity, and attempt to live fully. These are three of my sisters.

pollyanna vs. the grouch

"ladies never kiss (or smoke) in the street.
ladies would never go out of their way to create trouble.
ladies are certainly not supposed to be inordinately fond of sex.
ladies would never dream of masturbating (or if they did, they'd never admit it).
ladies would rather die than raise hell."

Heyoka doesn't use capital letters. But don't let that keep you away. I love this journal partly because she lives in London, a city that I adore, and partly because she is so feisty (see above), and partly because this woman is in love, and in being in love, keeps me hopeful that all is not wrong in this world. And that's just the half of it. She's got purple hair.


"No, I'm not suicidal. Yes, my life has been rotten. No, I am not looking for sympathy. Yes, I can cope with my problems most of the time. No, I do not use "people treat me badly" as an excuse for leading a horribly misguided life. Not usually, anyway."

Kikitt writes with unusual maturity, especially since she's just 22 years old. She lives in New York City, and has a toddler son, and has a troublesome marraige that hasn't broken her spirit in the least. I'm glad I'm not in her shoes, but I'm glad she's here to tell us about it. (psssst...She's also really, really smart.)


"Seriously considered joining the Air Force this week. School, housing, job security - but at what price? I'm too much of an individualist, I don't like uniforms. Or is that just a ghost of a reaction too, a teenage rebel thing? I'm not 15, wearing pieces of Daddy's uniform splattered with paint from my art class. Maybe it's time to wear it properly. Can I live with the disappointment, the inner disgust from a juvenile part of me? Shouldn't she be gone by now? Not like she knows how to run things anyway, she doesn't have the life skills. But how do I turn my back on her - or find a place to put her to rest?"

Javina is... Javina is... living through a difficult time, and writing about it, and endlessly compelling in writing about it, and smart, and stuck. It's a journal I read compulsively, and it's definitely addictive. But for once, the addiction has rewards. You will get to know this woman, reading through the million-billion words here, as if you had had a a zillion heart-to-heart talks, and you won't regret it.

Original "ReEntry" concept by Gus () and other DIARY-L participants.

Updated: 18 February 1999 © 1998 Diarist.Net Contact: