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[ Nanette ] This week's ReEntry editor was the Sauk Village Burger King's "Cutest Moppet" in 1979. (What happened?) Today, she divides her time between her editing job, school, and her online journal. Oh, and sometimes she even leaves the house for fun. Meet...

No Idea, No Spark


I read more journals than most sane human beings, so it was hard for me to choose which ones I wanted to spotlight. I decided to go the thematic route. My picks for this week's ReEntry are all "random discoveries"--journals that I stumbled across while hitting "random" on the Open Pages webring.

But I Was Here First!
Sean Sandquist: Home Page of a Random Guy

"For years I had casually assumed that I was the only Sean Sandquist in the world. There are lots of Seans, and certainly a fair amount of Sandquists, but it seemed to me that 'Sean Sandquist' had pleasant, mildly alliterative feel to it, and the fact that the moniker was an unusual blend of Irish and Scandinavian etymology made it likely that it was unique on the planet. And I had an understandable feeling of pride for this. Maybe, I suppose, those of you with boring, humdrum names, like 'Randy Green' or 'Tom Johnson,' for example, may have difficulty comprehending this. Hell, if your name is 'Tom Johnson' you probably already have three neighbors on your street with your name, and any chance at a modicum of nonconformity in your life was pretty much snuffed out at birth."

Is it his mention of the word "random" in the name of his page, or is it his wit? Whatever it is, Sean Sandquist has my attention. This man has the capacity to take the most mundane things and turn them in to hilarious little stories. This particular entry, where Sean discovers that there is another Sean Sandquist walking this planet, was a favorite of mine. The archives are well worth checking out--there's not an overwhelming amount of entries, and they're all funny. One of the entries almost made me choke on my Dr. Pepper--it was that funny. Make sure you're not at work when you read this one, because you might laugh a little too loud. You wouldn't want people to think you were having fun at work, would you?

Dear Abby
Who I Am

"Last night I was making cookies and pulled a bag of sugar from a cabinet. While pouring the sugar into a canister I saw two long, twitching antennae on a corner of the bag. I screamed and ran into the living room. Gary says in this pissy manner, 'What the hell's wrong with you?' I sent him into the kitchen to kill the bug (turned out to be a small roach-they're rampant in Texas, and ten times bigger than any roaches I've ever seen before) and to check the rest of the cabinet. Two minutes later he's screaming bloody murder, jumping around the living room, waving a fly-swatter and yelling about another roach. It took all my self-restraint to keep from saying smugly, 'Not so funny when you see one, is it?' But I didn't say it. I'm a nice wife."

As a lifelong Chicagoan, I can't imagine picking up my life and moving somewhere else. Neither could Amy--but she's an Ohioan who picked up her life and moved to Texas. It's a temporary thing, but it's still pretty rough for her. Reading Amy's writing reminds me of the beauty of simple, everyday things--you don't have to lead a thrilling, mile-a-minute life to be able to write wonderful journal entries. Reading Amy's writing reminds me of the beauty of everyday, simple things. Our lives are made up of a lot of plain, ordinary days, but most of us can't write about them the way Amy does. That's what makes her journal so impressive. She takes moments that most writers would ignore or gloss over, and she crafts them into lovely little slices of life.

Kissing Valentino by a Clear Blue Italian Stream
Welcome to 3B

"My talent crush was slightly nipped by spotting John's vision of gorgeousness waif girlfriend. While that shouldn't have anything to do with a talent crush, it's still... humbling is definitely the wrong word, startling is too... I don't know how to describe that phenom wherein you realize that a) the object of your crush actually has a girlfriend and b) while said crush's GF is certainly not as funny or brilliant as you, she is the size of your thigh."

The minute I saw Annegrrl's page, I knew I would like it. The more I read, the more addicted I became. She has a clear, distinctive voice, and she always speaks her mind, whether the subject is movies, work, or crushes. The tone is predominantly light, but Annegrrl isn't afraid to get serious when the need strikes. When you visit Welcome to 3B, be sure to check out all of the Pop Culture Maven archives. In these entries, Annegrrl selects seven pop-culture happenings and writes short reviews of them. Even if you don't agree with her opinions, they're always well-stated.

Original "ReEntry" concept by Gus () and other DIARY-L participants.

Updated: 2 April 1999 © 1999 Diarist.Net Contact: