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[ The Protagonist ] This week's ReEntry editor spends too much time with his left hand. A twenty-five year old Southern Californian southpaw, he often writes about love, sex, and the struggles of living in tinseltown. Hollywood is not all glamour as you will see in his journal. Meet...

The Protagonist

FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1999

When it comes down to it, after all the nitty-gritty, after the laughs and the tears, we are drawn to certain journals because we recognize ourselves in it. The images the writer creates often reflect our own lives, or the life we wish it to be. They sometimes take us back to their past, and we find familiarity within it. Above all, providing a window to their everday life, we discover an opening through our own soul.

Introducing Viv, The Sole Prop, and Mimi. Three ordinary individuals in different stages of their lives that share one common bond: an extraordinary style of expressing their most inner t