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A Glass World
From "Mundo Digital," in "Folha de Sao Paulo" (Brazil)
Translated by Viviane Vaz de Menezes ()
Original URL: http://www.uol.com.br/internet/netvox/nvox0707.htm
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Early '94, the web was a small old town, but involved the whole world. You met people from many places, but they were always the same half-dozen. At IRC it was always the same 5 or 6 Brazilians, at the "What's New" of NCSA (where we would get to know the new sites) there were only few addresses each week. I was already a bit addicted to the Internet, really without a reason why, since there wasn't all that much to see. Let's say it was an addiction searching for a drug...

That's when I found Justin Hall's site, a boy with an Web journal for years. I've gone crazy. What was that, that guy aparently normal, telling all his life to strangers. Really everything. Drunkenness, general ramblings, sex, Justin's naked picture. I started reading that page, as if to understand what draws a person to make his life a truly open book. Narcisism? Vanity? A truly need of expressing himself?

I haven't got to a conclusion, but I realized a good journaler