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DC (59)
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Illinois (177)
Indiana (60)
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Kentucky (33)
Louisiana (45)
Maine (13)
Maryland (87)
Massachusetts (211)
Michigan (143)
Minnesota (72)
Mississippi (20)
Missouri (73)
Montana (13)
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Nevada (33)
New Hampshire (23)
New Jersey (117)
New Mexico (19)
New York (385)
None Specified (258)
North Carolina (102)
North Dakota (3)
Ohio (136)
Oklahoma (43)
Oregon (88)
Pennsylvania (219)
Rhode Island (23)
South Carolina (28)
South Dakota (6)
Tennessee (64)
Territories and Posessions (2)
Texas (307)
Utah (25)
Vermont (4)
Virginia (155)
Washington (178)
West Virginia (27)
Wisconsin (72)
Wyoming (0)


  • Average Jane by Jane - Thoughts of a thirty-something Midwesterner, posted every weekday.
    Birthdate: 01/01 Sex: female | Added: 18-Feb-2005 Hits: 65 Rating: 0 Votes: 0
  • Erik's Multiple Sclerosis Blog by Erik Smith - Personal Multiple Sclerosis Page.
    Birthdate: 01/01 Sex: male | Added: 19-Feb-2005 Hits: 50 Rating: 0 Votes: 0
  • Ms. Brazil's Daily Log by Ms. Brazil - A fourth grade school teacher documents daily events in one of America's largest school districts.
    Birthdate: 10/20 Sex: male | Added: 15-Feb-2005 Hits: 64 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 3
  • Writing Life, The by Dorothy Thompson - Dorothy Thompson, author of "Romancing the Soul" and syndicated relationship columnist.
    Birthdate: 07/06 Sex: female | Added: 20-Feb-2005 Hits: 47 Rating: 0 Votes: 0

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