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- Lassitude by Swearing Headbanger - C'mon over and read me sometime. You will be disappointed. NEW
Birthdate: 1/1 Sex: male | Added: 30-Mar-2005 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- POMP's Blahg by Pomp - The Reverend Pomp rants about technology, pr0n, current events, and more. NEW
Birthdate: 3/17 Sex: male | Added: 28-Mar-2005 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Being Daddy by None - Portrait of the artist as a young dad. Not your father's blog!
Birthdate: 1/1 Sex: male | Added: 24-Apr-2002 Hits: 148 Rating: 8.00 Votes: 1 | Rate It
- Bent Girl by Rezu - Location: Denver, Colorado [02-22-2001]
Birthdate: 10/9 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 202 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Bounded In A Nutshell by C.E. Harris - Location: Boulder, Colorado
Birthdate: 2/20 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 167 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Caliban's Civil Savagery by Sean Locke - Location: Fort Collins, Colorado
Birthdate: 12/12 Sex: male | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 108 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Choke Me by Ellen - Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Birthdate: 2/19 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 221 Rating: 3 Votes: 1 | Rate It
- Chrisonomicon by Chris - Book of the Names of Chris.
Birthdate: 12/8 Sex: male | Added: 3-Jun-2002 Hits: 97 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1 | Rate It
- Chronological by Glenn Mcgaha Miller - Location: Fort Collins, Colorado
Birthdate: 9/29 Sex: male | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 101 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Cosmicwatercooler by Beajerry - Discussion of anything.
Birthdate: 03/10 Sex: male | Added: 20-Mar-2005 Hits: 2 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Crayons, Playdoh & Wax by Leslie - This is my personal blog, where I talk about my family, my friends, my faith and my journey with infertility.
Birthdate: 7/19 Sex: female | Added: 31-Dec-2002 Hits: 132 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Diablo Speaks by Elizabeth - Location: Colorado
Birthdate: 7/18 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 115 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Diary of Elphaba by Elphaba - Location: Denver, Colorado
Birthdate: 8/11 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 131 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Duck-Shaped Pain by Shiitake - Location: Fruitvale, Colorado
Birthdate: 1/16 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 110 Rating: 7 Votes: 1 | Rate It
- Enchanted by Jessica - Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Birthdate: 5/12 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 127 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Final Cut by Prospero - Location: Denver, Colorado
Birthdate: 3/16 Sex: male | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 92 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Geography as Memory by Penny - Life, technology, and fly fishing... my life in Colorado.
Birthdate: 08/31 Sex: female | Added: 5-Nov-2004 Hits: 14 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1 | Rate It
- Globetrotting by Beckita Bonita - Travel and tamil culture.
Birthdate: 10/24 Sex: female | Added: 27-Jan-2005 Hits: 11 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Good Swift Kick by Lis Pordon - Location: Longmont, Colorado
Birthdate: 4/16 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 133 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Had To Be There by Jared - Location: Denver, Colorado
Birthdate: / Sex: male | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 118 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Hell Is Real by Mercury - The darker side of weblogs - a collage of many unusual obsessions.
Birthdate: 8/14 Sex: female | Added: 5-Jun-2002 Hits: 124 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 3 | Rate It
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