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- Smartest Girl In The World by Tara Hanks - I bought a few years ago, back when the title didn't feel so ironic. Now i'm writing about trying to put everything back together. NEW
Birthdate: 11/4 Sex: female | Added: 27-Mar-2005 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Voch Me Ban by Jeff Dunaway - Thoughts about Armenia, politics, and the peace corps. NEW
Birthdate: 1/1 Sex: male | Added: 31-Mar-2005 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Absynthe and Lima Beans by Halcyondream - A moving coming-of-age story of a boy and his drugs
Birthdate: 8/21 Sex: male | Added: 21-Apr-2002 Hits: 239 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Angelbaby by Jennybabes - Location: Haines City, Florida
Birthdate: 11/17 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 195 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Angelof Roses by Jesse Seidel - Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Birthdate: 6/6 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 158 Rating: 5.5 Votes: 2 | Rate It
- Angels Wings by Angel
Birthdate: 4/17 Sex: female | Added: 3-May-2002 Hits: 153 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Art Blog by Carlos Aleman - Art blog about 'seeing' and community.
Birthdate: 04/14 Sex: male | Added: 11-Aug-2004 Hits: 41 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Ashley's Life by Ashley Downs - Location: Portcharlotte, Florida
Birthdate: 9/24 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 164 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Ashtraygurl by Lauren Grossman - Total emo crap.
Birthdate: 05/10 Sex: female | Added: 22-Jan-2005 Hits: 22 Rating: 9.00 Votes: 2 | Rate It
- Augustdreams by Nicole - Life, Love and Everything in the Sunshine State. Caution: May contain sock monkeys, the F-world and yellow dye #5.
Birthdate: 04/20 Sex: female | Added: 28-Aug-2004 Hits: 62 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1 | Rate It
- Beautifulwoe by Beautifulwoe - Diary of beautifulwoe.
Birthdate: 2/21 Sex: female | Added: 6-Jan-2005 Hits: 18 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Blerp. by Jainie - Location: Florida
Birthdate: 5/31 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 125 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Blue Damage by Blue Distortion - Strange and random.
Birthdate: 04/10 Sex: male | Added: 16-Sep-2004 Hits: 24 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 2 | Rate It
- Blue Oblivion by Anita - Location: Miami, Florida
Birthdate: 1/24 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 131 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- by Andy Janecek - The ramblings of a young, naive gay boy from florida's capital city.
Birthdate: 11/7 Sex: male | Added: 1-May-2002 Hits: 204 Rating: 10 Votes: 1 | Rate It
- Book of Emotia, The by Shelby Ramanauskas - Location: Tampa, Florida
Birthdate: 12/29 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 166 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Boston Diaries, The by Sean Conner - Location: Coconut Creek, Florida
Birthdate: 1/8 Sex: male | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 132 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Broken Dreams by Alexis - Broken Dreams is my personal journal.
Birthdate: 11/14 Sex: female | Added: 27-Apr-2002 Hits: 196 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Burned By Logic by Logic - The diary of an arrogant 17-year-old male. Logic knows no limits.
Birthdate: 12/26 Sex: male | Added: 14-May-2002 Hits: 157 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
- Caffeine by Heather - Location: Florida [06-16-2000]
Birthdate: 3/19 Sex: female | Added: 31-Jan-2002 Hits: 127 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 | Rate It
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