Best Writing
- Nothing By God James Valvis
- Kalamazoo Days Rob Rummel-Hudson
- Squishy Pamie
Best Design
- Fiendish Thingy Stef
- Just a Girl Georgina
- One More Face in the Crowd Dom Penfold
Best New Journal
- Bourgeois Paranoia Bellatrix
- Naked Eye Catherine
- This Precious Shining Dreama
Best Experimental Journal
- Scherzi & Sospiri Columbine
- The Intern[Dot]Com Veral
- 11350-12666 Nancy
Best Use of Multimedia
- Coredumps from My Brain Andr00
- Shades of Red Jess
- House of the Moon Lunesse
Best Journal (Overall)
- Parenthesis Lynda
- Kalamazoo Days Rob Rummel-Hudson
- Medea's Memoirs Scott Liles
Legacy Award (Hall of Fame)
- Nova Notes Al Schroeder
- Parenthesis Lynda
- If You See Her, Say Hello Xeney