Best Comedic Entry
- One Small Poop For Man from TranceJen by
- Ball Show from Bobofett by
- April 15, 2002 from by
Best Dramatic Entry
- I'd Like a Tall Glass of Normal Please from TranceJen by
- Just Like Yesterday from Random Rain by
- Goodbye To You from jenfu dot net by
Best Romantic Entry
- My One from The Wondering Jew by
- Goodbye To You from jenfu dot net by
- The Right Man from Hate Your Daddy by
Best Guest Entry
- No Great Wisdom from Internet Persona by Allen for
The Closest Thing To Perfect from Random Wibbles by Erika for Joe
- My Other Name Is Sam from Under the Microscope by Kat for
Best Collaborative Entry
- Moving On from Funny the World by
- The Unreal Diary Critic from Kismet by
- Hands from Guileless by
Best Rant
- A Rant from And If I Die Before I Wake by
- The Story from the Other Seat from Out to Lunch is a State of Mind by
- I Wanted NADS and I got ANTS from Random Rain by
Best Account of a Public or News Event
- Meiguo from Blue Letters; Monologue by
- The Baby Dance from by
- Over the Few from The Sole Proprietor's Journal by
Outstanding Entry
- Dangerous Curves from Pure as the Driven Slush by
- Decisions and Descent from Change Over Time by
- One Year from Earthmovers and Sandcastles by