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[ WriteField ] WriteField
The daily struggle.
By Zach Garland ()

Classic WriteField.
Ideas welcome.

Perhaps you've never written an entire paragraph in your life.

Perhaps you're trying to start an online journal, but you're stuck wondering exactly where to start. Perhaps you've been journaling a long time, but you don't know how to write about something that's happened.

Maybe you're just stuck. It's been a boring day. You try to write regularly, but today you're just not in the mood. Writer's block -- it happens to the best of us.

Here are some ways to battle the evil block, unleash your creativity, and maybe discover that today wasn't all that boring after all.



"I'm burning up
with the vision in my brain
and the music in my veins
and the dirty rhythm in my blood"
Thomas Dolby, Hyperactive

I know you're out there. I can feel you.

Lurkers in the corners. The serious and studious as well as the zany off-the-wall funmakers.

You're all out there looking for the latest from this old soul's fingers and toes. You're anywhere from stumped to stymied to just in need of a little push.

That's just gonna have to wait, man. Cuz now it's your turn. Get ready to hyperactivate!

"I'm having an attack!"

I want to thank all of you who wrote me and thanked me for the help. It's what I'm here for. However, what the Internet is here for is interactivity. I'd like to see WriteField become less of just another place for my ramblings and more of a group effort. Where many minds work together on the common goal of saving up little brainstorms for those times when someone is just fresh out of them.

Feel free to submit your ideas and brainstorms, and as they come in I'll start adding them in future installments of WriteField. I can't guarantee I will use every idea that comes by, but if your idea is used, your name will be credited with your words and you'll get a neato featured site graphic that you can show off on your online journal for the whole world to see.

What do you do when you get stuck? Is there a time in your past when you felt you had a bout of writer's block and you did something that got the old mojo working again? Maybe a term paper back in school had you on edge, and something triggered an idea for you or opened up the floodgate in your mind and the words finally started to flow? What was it?

Tell me your story. I'd love to read it and I hope I can put it here in the future.

Oh, and just in case you didn't know, there's a Yahoo Club called DearDiary where fellow enthusiasts of Diarist.Net can get together and post messages or chat. It was put up several months ago as a test. I'm sure Our Fearless Leader, Ryan Ozawa, wouldn't mind if we used it to brainstorm a little bit.

I thank you ahead of time, and be sure to check here next week.

Updated: 5 March 1999 © 1999 Diarist.Net Contact: