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[ WriteField ] WriteField
The daily struggle.
By Zach Garland ()

Classic WriteField.
Ideas welcome.

Perhaps you've never written an entire paragraph in your life.

Perhaps you're trying to start an online journal, but you're stuck wondering exactly where to start. Perhaps you've been journaling a long time, but you don't know how to write about something that's happened.

Maybe you're just stuck. It's been a boring day. You try to write regularly, but today you're just not in the mood. Writer's block -- it happens to the best of us.

Here are some ways to battle the evil block, unleash your creativity, and maybe discover that today wasn't all that boring after all.

in the mood

FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1999

For the past couple weeks we've been looking at some ways you can spark your creativity by changing the appearance of the area around you. Doing something drastic can not only help you get past writer's block, but it can also be a lot of fun.

You're gonna laugh at some of these ideas I'm sure, but trust me. I have been told in the past by others that these are very helpful.

Above all, remember, there's no law that says your computer area has to look a certain way. Granted, if the computer you use the most is at work, there are a few limitations there. I can't exactly help you with sprucing up your cubicle. Some of these ideas demand a bit more leeway than your supervisor is probably willing to give.

Bubble Bubble

There used to be this local band here in Texas, although I haven't heard from them in a while. They called themselves "Little Jack Melody." They were a sort old Big Band sound with brass and strings and a bit of a demented streak. They had this crazy wild-eyed guy who used to play a calliope. It made for a very unique sound, like the whole past century of American music squished together into one band.

Anyway, they had one song that anyone familiar with the band loved to hear played live. It was a kinda folksy Lawrence Welkish sorta tune. Whenever the lead singer got to a certain part of the song, hardcore fans would pull out these little bottles of bubbles and start blowing them. By the end of the song the room would be filled with bubbles. It completely changed the feel of the place, and it was a lot of fun.

Bubbles are cheap and are usually available at drug stores or toy shops. You can easily make some soap bubble water yourself and rig up a little bubble wand. Granted, they don't stick around very long, and you might have a bit of a mess to clean up afterwards. But it's hard not to smile when they are in the air.

Another alternative would be to get a whole bunch of small balloons and just cover the computer space with them. Have them underfoot, under your desk, so you can kick them around to keep your feet busy too.

Think Festive

Got a favorite holiday? Who says you have to wait? Pull out the old Christmas ornaments that you just put in your garage or attic and cover your computer with garland and fir branches. Or, if you're the patriotic type, try hanging an American flag on the wall.

If you like Halloween, look around for anything that's black and orange. Even out of season, you can usually find stuff at local craft stores that will serve your purpose. Or just buy some multi-colored construction paper and try out a few origami designs. Cover the top of your computer and desk with a small paper zoo.

In the spring and fall, go outside and pick different colored leaves from trees, or find a field with nice flowers. Take them home and tack up a few on the wall or tape them to the sides of your monitor. Put the flowers in a vase or tall cup with water and set them to one side. Again, the sense of smell is rarely doing anything when you're at your computer. Give it a feast!

While you're at it, a bowl of fresh fruit within arm's reach is not only appealing to have to look at but it's also healthy for you to have fruit closer to you than a bag of Cheetos.

Final Thoughts

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Whatever your computer area looks like now, you can change it. Especially if it's looked the same for awhile, you should give yourself a feast for the senses. Something new. If it's normally dimly lit, try letting some sunshine in and see if that helps. If it's well lit, try darkening it a bit.

Remember that your often-neglected sense of smell can do wonders. Anything from incense to potpourri to just a cheap air freshener. Try changing it periodically.

Try looking around your house, in closets and the attic for stuff that's been sitting in boxes or on shelves out of sight. Use some of those things you haven't looked at in years. Shop around local stores for things that are small and lightweight which would fit perfectly on top of your monitor or on your desk. Not everything in your workspace has to have a purpose.

And if after you've drastically changed the look of your computer space, you still can't come up with anything to write, come back here next week and we'll try something else.

Updated: 12 April 1999 © 1999 Diarist.Net Contact: