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[ WriteField ] WriteField: Submit
The daily struggle.
By Zach Garland ()

If you have an idea for a WriteField article, or if you have ways you personally combat writer's block and stimulate your creative juices, contact Zach at . You can improve your chances of consideration if you write from your own perspective and keep the length of your prose down to about the same amount of words as you see in previous WriteField articles. If you've seen sites (including your own site) which illustrate your idea, please include those URLs.

WriteField will either use your submission in its entirety, citing you as the author, or use excerpts, again giving you credit for your words.

We make no guarantees that all submissions will be used in WriteField, but we welcome any and all input, and take every submission under serious consideration. Thanks for your interest!

Updated: 12 September 1998 © 1998 Diarist.Net Contact: