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[ Lists - Directory of public mailing lists hosted by Diarist.Net Notify. ] [ Owner - Administrative interface for list owners. ] [ Subscriber - Administrative interface for list subscribers. ] [ Request - Request a Diarist.Net Notify mailing list. ] [ Support - Links and hints for Diarist.Net Notify users. ]
List Name:

List Title:

i.e. "Amber's List o' Fun"
Admin Name:

Your name, or that of the list's owner.
Admin E-Mail:

Your e-mail address, or that of the owner. This will be the address required to log in to manage this list.

Site Title:

Required. Name of the journal or diary site associated with this list. (Diarist.Net Notify is only for escribitionists.)
Site URL:


Publicize List?
This is for the "List o' Lists." You will also need to change relevant settings in your list configuration to determine if your list shows up in the server directory.
List Type:
Notify Only
As promoted on the "List o' Lists," if applicable. You can change settings (open, moderated, notify-only) in your list configuration.
As promoted on the "List o' Lists," if applicable. You can also set the brief description that appears in the server directory (if public).